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Strenght Training

Strength training plays a crucial role in supporting and optimising performance.
By incorporating targeted strength exercises into the training regime, runners can not only improve their running economy, but also significantly reduce the risk of injury. The positive effects on running economy come from improved efficiency in muscle activation and an increase in the strength and stability of muscles, tendons and joints. This leads to a more efficient use of energy during running. In addition, strength training provides a robust platform for the body, better absorbing and distributing the impact resulting from repeated running movements. This results in a reduced risk of overuse injuries, such as shin splints, knee problems, and muscle strains.

Running analyses and Gait

A detailed running analysis, often focusing on the running-gait, is essential for optimising running fitness, preventing injuries and increasing efficiency. By analysing running patterns, specific inefficiencies or biomechanical abnormalities can be identified. This allows a runner to make targeted adjustments, either through technique training or specific muscle-strengthening exercises, to develop a more efficient and natural running motion. Improving

the running-gait can lead to improved oxygen uptake and reduced energy waste, which is crucial for both short sprints and long-distance running. In addition, an optimised running technique can help reduce the impact on joints, reducing the risk of running-related injuries.

Barefoot training, or training barefoot, allows for a more natural running motion and a stronger, more adapted supportive musculature. Training without the restriction of shoes can lead to improved foot mechanics, greater foot strength and improved balance.

With direct contact with the ground, runners can refine their foot placement more, contributing to more efficient running patterns and a reduction in lower limb strain. Nevertheless, it is important to introduce barefoot training gradually

and combine it with strength training targeting the lower limbs to maximise the benefits and minimise the risk of injury.

Barefoot Training

A tailor-made nutrition plan developed by a sports dietitian is essential for athletes striving for optimal performance and recovery. Sports dietetics focuses on providing the

right balance of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) needed for specific training requirements, recovery and overall health. For runners, this can mean optimising carbohydrate intake for sustained energy, increasing protein for muscle recovery, and ensuring

adequate hydration. An individual nutrition plan takes into account the athlete's unique energetic needs, goals, and preferences, resulting in improved performance, faster recovery, and better long-term health.
