Our Testing Methods.

1. Vo2max.


In the world of endurance sports, VO2Max is a crucial measure of performance. It represents the maximum volume of oxygen an individual can use during intense exercise, expressed in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. The formula for this is ml/kg/min, where 'V' stands for flux rate, 'O2' for oxygen and 'max' for 'maximum'.

VO2Max is often compared to the size of an engine because it represents the body's efficiency to use oxygen for energy during exercise.

The rate at which muscles consume oxygen is directly related to the amount of energy produced aerobically. Therefore, VO2Max is a reliable indicator of the functioning of the aerobic energy system.

A higher VO2Max indicates improved aerobic metabolism, which results in a greater ability to use oxygen and fat as fuel during exercise. This translates to improved performance and endurance in athletes striving for peak performance in endurance sports.






3.Biomechanical Running test.

The Runeasi biomechanical running test, developed at KU Leuven, uses AI technology to perform an in-depth analysis of your running profile. The aim is to identify any weaknesses and make your body stronger and more efficient, given that up to 79% of runners experience injuries. The unique testing protocol, performed on a running track or treadmill, provides detailed insights into your running technique and potential areas for improvement.

Runeasi measures the quality of your running with a score from 0 to 100%, with higher scores indicating excellent technique and comparability with top runners.

The analysis takes into account three key components: symmetry, impact loading and dynamic stability. Symmetry compares the performance of both legs, while impact load measures the force exerted on your body while running.

Dynamic stability detects movements of your pelvis in a lateral direction. This advanced technology provides a thorough understanding of your running technique at different speeds, resulting in useful tips and personalised recommendations for optimisation.


Runeasi running gait test.

2. VLA-max.

Or maximum rate of lactate production in muscle, is an important parameter in the world of sports performance analysis. This measurement, expressed as the volume of lactate produced per unit time, provides insight into the efficiency of the glycolytic (anaerobic) energy system. Similar to VO2max, which represents the aerobic energy system, VLa max provides crucial information about athletes' performance capacity.

Understanding VLa max is essential because it indicates how well the body performs in producing energy through glycolysis. This is one of the three main energy systems of the human body, alongside the phosphocreatine and aerobic systems. These systems often work together during physical activity, from short sprints to long endurance efforts such as marathons.

While VO2max measures maximum oxygen uptake, VLa max represents maximum lactate production. Both are valuable indicators of an athlete's aerobic and anaerobic performance respectively. Higher VLA max can be advantageous for short explosive efforts, but can also have drawbacks, such as a lower anaerobic threshold and reduced fat burning. 



1. Exercise test for beginners (Start Running, Triathlon, Swimming)

For enthusiasts who want to start running, triathlon or swimming, we take an approach that is more than just an advanced exercise test. We start with an open conversation to understand your goals. Whether you dream of completing a 10km run, a marathon, or your first triathlon, your goal is our starting point.

Many have tried to start endurance sports before, but were hampered by injuries or lack of time. We are here to break that cycle.

What does an exercise test look like for beginners?
We start with an in-depth technique analysis to identify the causes of any injuries, coupled with a VO2-max test. The VO2-max test starts with a 6-10-minute warm-up, followed by a gradual increase in intensity every minute, until you reach your sub/maximal intensity reached. We also measure your weight to determine the ratio of fat to muscle mass and determine your fat percentage.

This detailed analysis allows us to define very specific training zones that match their advanced physical state, allowing them to further optimise and take them to new heights.

This distinction between beginners and advanced athletes highlights the importance of a personalised approach in training and testing. At Apex Endurance, we ensure that every athlete, regardless of their starting point, receives the right guidance and support needed to achieve their personal goals safely and effectively. By recognizing both the physical capabilities and ambitions of our clients, we offer a tailored route to athletic succes.

2. Advanced Exercise test

For athletes who have been active in running, swimming or cycling for some time and aim to improving their personal records and progression, we offer a more advanced exercise test. This test, supported by INSID software, combines lactate and/or VO2-max measurements.

What is an advanced exercise test like?
A warm-up of 10-15 minutes is followed by a test with phases of 3 x 6 minutes from lower to higher thresholds, and a final phase of 4 minutes at sub/maximal exercise. We measure heart rate, lactate levels, and VO2 before and after each phase. As with beginners, we measure your weight to analyse the ratio of fat and muscle mass, and your fat percentage.

Based on the test results, we determine the training zones needed, tailored to your personal goals. This personalised approach ensures that your training is both efficient and effective, and tailored to what you want to achieve. By putting our focus on personal goals and injury prevention, we help you not only start with endurance sports, but also support you in achieving your ultimate athletic performance. Whichever journey you choose, at Apex endurance you are never alone.

3. Why a Different approach?

The difference in approach between beginners and advanced athletes when taking exercise tests is essential because of the varying levels of efficiency in energy use and physical adaptation to training. For novice athletes, it is especially important to understand that their initial exercise test results can sometimes be biased. This is because because their bodies are not yet optimally adapted to the demands of endurance sports, resulting in less efficient use of energy. At this stage, it is crucial to improve the overall load capacity of the athlete to improve. This includes addressing basic fitness, technique, and preventing of injuries. Only when the basics are established does it make sense to fine-tune training zones tuning for optimal progression.

For advanced athletes, the focus is different. With them, the challenge is often that their existing training zones are not fine-tuned to their current level of performance. Through years of training, these athletes have developed considerable efficiency and capacity in energy. Their bodies are well adapted to the demands of their sport, making an advanced exercise testing, which includes both lactate measurements and VO2max testing.